
Are you a leadership nurse who:

  • Feels completely lost, with no sense of direction.

  • Feels like you are just going through the motions every day, with no sense of direction or end goal.

  • Is ready to throw in the towel, completely exasperated and fed up.

  • Feels burned out with rules, regulations, scheduling, staff who call in all the time, and endless days.

  • Feels that you are on the brink of insanity.

  • Feel as if work always comes first, constantly losing out on “family and friend time.”

  • Feels like you can no longer deal with staff behaviors.

  • Has completely lost your work-life balance.

  • Sits down at your desk, and you cannot even find your desk, desperate for organization.

  • Is in serious need of the tools, methods, tips, and strategies necessary to walk out of the fog into the realm of leadership mastery.

  • Is looking for the life preserver that will save you from drowning in the depths of the nursing leadership sea.

Well, welcome to Nursing Leadership Mastery! Whether you have found the answer, or the answer has found you, you are right where you belong!

Let me be your life preserver. Take this journey with me. Let me help you transform yourself into the highly successful leadership nurse you are meant to be. Engage with the Nursing Leadership Mastery program and walk this path with me. It is time for you to invest in yourself. It is time for you to fulfill your nursing leadership destiny!

Coaching Course

  • 16 week course

  • 1 - 60 minute group coaching call per week with myself and all other group members.

  • (1:1 Element) 1 - 60 minute initial strategy call with me to kick start your journey to mastering your leadership role.

  • (Check-in Element) Unlimited Email access , which will be repsonded to during normal business hours. (8 a.m. - 4 p.m.)

  • Complete access to the course content resource libary.

  • One - 1:1 backpocket call with me a week.


Create a successful leadership foundation. As a new management nurse, you may feel overwhelmed by the expectations and responsibilities of leadership, unsure of how to navigate the complex and fast-paced healthcare management world. I can help to lead you to develop the skills, confidence, knowledge, and wisdom you need to lead your team efficiently and effectively, achieve regulatory compliance, and provide high-quality care for your residents.


Establish clarity and organization. I will provide you with the tools, templates, coaching, and training to improve time management, enhance communication, manage staff, and gain the knowledge you need to master your leadership role. I will work with you to develop prioritization skills, time-blocking strategies, staff management, task delegation tactics, and strategies you can implement within your organization that can help you manage your team with optimal results and achieve your goals promptly and efficiently.


Achieve your distinguished career destination. Improve your work-life balance. I will teach you how to manage your time and energy more effectively. Enhance your leadership skills and learn to inspire and motivate your team to make the best decisions, achieve greater success and take your career to new heights. With personal as well as group sessions and workshops with like-minded individuals who have the same struggles and needs, I will provide you with the insight, information, and tools you need to polish your skills and lead with confidence, wisdom, and purpose. I also provide more complex services which can include in-house mentoring and training.

Get in touch.